Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Cranky Large Medium reading, 2 December

Go away.

Will you please hie thyself thither and yon? I weary of thy presence. In plain English -- get gone, please. Oh, of course, I can't persuade you to go until you've had your reading. Selfish barstidge. Here you are:
You are ambitious, bloodthirsty, shrewd. You are intolerant of anything which you view as failure of morals, and unforgiving of others' weaknesses. You strive to be the center of attention, and sanctimoniously study with the sole intent of making yourself superior. You are impractical and temperamental. If you care about anybody else, you should very kindly not marry him or her.
Are you happy, now? Of course not. If you were, you would have danced away and I'd have had no need to ask. Well, sourpuss, at least you have your life, which is more than can be said of these people, all of whom, on this date in history, lifted their harps in the heavens: Emperor Hanazono, Piero di Cosimo de' Medici, Luis Federico Leloir, Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich, Francis Xavier, Samuel Penhallow, Philip Larkin, Robertson Davies, Alan Davidson, Pierre Paul Puget, Johann Friedrich Agricola, Vincent d'Indy, Aaron Copland, Alfred Bunn, Sabu Dastagir, Marty Feldman, Robert Cummings, Fifi d'Orsay, Roxie Roker, Reginald Baker, Danny Murtaugh, Hernán Cortés, Catherine de Vivonne, Donatien Alphonse François de Sade, John Brown, Jay Gould, John Ringling, Pablo Escobar,
and Desi Arnaz.

Happy birthday, anyway.

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