Monday, December 15, 2008

Cranky Large Medium reading, 15 December

Go away.

What, you're still here? What's wrong with you? Don't you have something better to do -- like picking your nose, or something? Oh, riiiight. You want to have your reading. Well, then, here you are:
You are mousy, and somehow still manage to accomplish some of what is expected of you. You hold grudges for a very long time, and let everybody know you remember from day one. Travel has much appeal to you. You might consider teaching, if you could only get past the fact that you can't settle down for too long. You are overly fond of the culture of youth, and expend your energies in search of fun. You'd find more of it if you didn't look so hard for it.
Are you happy, now? Of course not. You and your nose are too picky. Well, think on this -- you still have your life. That's bounds above what's left for these people, all of whom, beginning on this date in history, had worms play pinochle on their snouts: Basil II, Tatanka Iyotaka, Jacques Charles François Sturm, Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Paul Pierre Lévy, Margaret Cavendish, Izaak Walton, Johannes Vermeer, George Fisher, Joseph Martin Kraus, Glenn Miller, Jacob Pincus Perelmuth aka Jan Peerce, Charles Laughton, Chill Wills, John Berg, Jess Willard, Russ Haas, Keith Magnuson, Stan Leonard, Walter Elias Disney, William Proxmire, Julia Carson,
and Thomas Wright "Fats" Waller.

Hard to misbehave when you're six feet under.
Happy birthday, anyway.

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