Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cranky Large Medium reading, 28 December

Go away.

How is it you're still here? Don't you have a cliff to jump off? Oh, you're staying until you get something... and that would be...? Ah, right. You came for your reading. Well, then, here you are:
You fidget, double-talk, and are generally most comfortable in a crowd of adoring morons. You do your best to be honest to the point where it hurts (mostly others, though). You have no backbone, though, when it comes to family.
Are you happy, now? Of course not. You're never really happy, are you? Nobody is ever happy, and yet, you have so much more than all these people, who, on this date, ultimately dropped off the face of the earth: Theonas, Ashikaga Yoshiakira, Antipope Clement VIII, Piero di Lorenzo de' Medici, Queen Mary II, Mustafa II, Francesco Maria Grimaldi, Eugenio Espejo, Johannes Rydberg, Hermann Oberth, William Carstares, Thomas Macaulay, Theodore Dreiser, William L. Shirer, William X. Kienzle, Susan Sontag, Hermann Finck, Antonio Caldara, Eduard Strauss, Maurice Ravel, Fletcher Henderson, Max Steiner, Freddie King, Sam Peckinpah, William Demarest, Clayton Moore, Florence Lawrence, Kathleen Clifford, Cassandra Harris, Steve Evans, Jimmy Demaret, Sal Maglie, Robert Roy MacGregor, Alfred Edwin McKay, Benjamin Hacker,
Dennis Wilson,

and Jerry Orbach.

Try to forget.
Happy birthday, anyway.

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