Friday, May 09, 2008

Friday Catblog: Bedtime reading

Mr. Grr was ready for bed. He's pretty much always ready for bed. Or floor. Or wherever the sleep mood strikes. Usually, it's within a tail's reach of my nose.

He often likes it when I read to him. Even the clues to my crossword puzzles can serve as a bedtime story, for him.
Our Animal Friends
Illustration from John Martin's Big Book, pub. 1927

Sometimes, though, either the material or the timing is not to his liking.
Lemme Sleep
Just lemme sleep, Ma.

Don't forget to check on other sleepy (and non-sleepy) beasties, at Modulator's Friday Ark #190, and, on Sunday, the CotC will be held at Bad Kitty Cats. Don't miss them. They won't put you to sleep unless you really want them to.

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