Monday, August 13, 2007

Chick Flick day

My friends and I set aside the occasional day for just escaping all the daily grind and sitting before a screen and catching our latest choice in "chick flicks". Today, it was one of those days filled with steamy romance and soft-focus and significant camera angles capturing meaningful glances...

We watched Pitch Black and followed it up with The Chronicles of Riddick. We skipped Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury, even though we had the complete trilogy. We really didn't see much point in watching a Vin Diesel movie if we couldn't actually watch Vin Diesel. I mean, the animation is cool and all, and Diesel has a totally steamin' voice, but I haven't fantasized about a cartoon character since I was, like, seven years old or something. And, back then, there was a decided lack of mature content....

We have actually watched a couple of flicks that guys might squirm over: Secondhand Lions and The Princess Bride...

at least, they'd squirm until they found themselves totally hooked on the stories and characters.

But now we have to look around for our next chick flick selections. Maybe something with Chow Yun Fat or Clint Eastwood (preferably not Bridges of Madison County, though)? Hey, maybe we could have a Die Hard weekend! That's the way we girly girls can spend our time gettin' all sappy, right?

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