Friday, July 07, 2006

When are they going to plug the leaks?

I have reached the boiling point. Again. It seems that, according to the FBI spokesman, as cited by Gateway Pundit, the NYC Tunnel Plot Investigation Leaked to Reporters. Some anal aperture(s) told the press about an ongoing investigation which was in the process of thwarting threats to American lives, thus chopping off the latest limb at our defense. Yes, I'm glad the FBI and international agencies were on the case, but I'd have appreciated it if they were actually allowed to finish their job unobstructed. Who knows -- and how will we ever find out -- how many terrorists got away because of this?

Do leakers have no conscience? Oh, I'm sorry. Apparently they weren't issued one. The freaking idiots have no clue that people die when terrorists get their way, and screwing up an investigation is one of the greatest gifts you can give a terrorist organization. Why the hell don't they just hand the neighborhood al Qaeda representative a bunch of WMD and give him a handful of maps to every major city in the West? Hell, they could even pack lunches and load up the trucks!

There is not enough worldly justice for these people. Days like today, I truly hope that there is a God, and that he is a just and vengeful God... and that there is a hell, and it has a special place, complete with unceasing Chinese water torture, just for the people who jeopardize innocent lives by jeopardizing investigations such as this. Let the leak forever drip on their skulls.

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