Friday, July 07, 2006

How harmless are dud scuds of Kim Jong Il?

Okay, so I know I'm like, a day late and a dollar short on this, but I've been mulling over all the talk, all the noise, all the useful data, and whatever else makes it to my eyes and ears on the topic of NoKo's missile failures, and... what if the failures weren't actually failures? What if they were deliberately "dropped into the water", as it were?

Now, before somebody starts asking me whose conspiracy theory weed I've been smoking, just hear me out.

Kim Jong Il is nuts. Certifiable. Charlie Manson nuts. But remember Manson directed others to do his dirty work. Suppose Kim has convinced the rest of us that, despite his maniacal laughter and cursing loudly in dark rooms, he's really harmless. He has no way to do us any damage ("see? my missiles can't even hit a big-ass island seven times out of seven"). So we tell him he's grounded for a week, and just ask him to play nicely with the other kids, pleeeeeeease. Nobody bothers to check him for that collection of knives and guns, and nobody notices the cult following so eager to please him.

Here stands Kim Jong Il, with nuclear capability, no cash in his coffers, and no substantive mechanical delivery system. Not too far away are the "believers" -- al Qaeda, Jemaah Islamiah, plus countless other nasty, skanky, jealous creatures all hoping to do the Sharon-Tate West some serious damage, all to make their god happy.

Is Kim harmless without a missile system? Not on yer tintype. He may or may not be planning to do without his own modern bombs, but I'm pretty sure he's canny enough to improvise in order to grab whatever power he can. As evidenced by the suffering of his own nation, Kim would happily see half the world dead to make himself God-Emperor. And there are plenty of folks crazy enough to offer him a hand, for a piece of that same pie.

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