Friday, May 26, 2006

Friday Catblog: All your mousies are belong to me

Everybody who knows me knows I like to go to auctions, and I usually bring home a carload of cheap crap I can share with the neighborhood (I spend a bit more on postcards, books, and other specialized collectibles, but I like to load up on cheap toys and tchatchkes for the kids). A couple of weeks ago, I had brought in a fairly large box of books, on top of which I had originally packed a few other items to fill the box without making it too heavy to carry.

Normally, when I sort through my stuff, I set a half dozen boxes on the bed and start rearranging them, cataloging them, and then filing them on the appropriate shelves or stacks. I don't much worry about my surroundings, because, under normal circumstances, TiGrr and Peanut "help" by lying on top of whatever I'm most interested in (I understand it's a cat thing). Therefore I was pleasantly surprised to note that Peanut had not clambered into the box in question, but was standing under my elbow, simply peering into the corner of it. The next thing I knew, she was gone across the bed, rustling about. Less than a minute later, she was back, then gone, then back again, then gone again, this time for much longer, and finally tossing about the pillows and blankets in her usual fashion.

I finished with the task of cataloging my new old books, and turned my attention back to the really important part of the house: wee beasties. Peanut had managed to discover that my "packing material" around the topmost fragile books had included a handful of cat toys. There was one black rabbit-fur mouse with elastic around its tail, plus there were two felt mousies, one red, one white.

She was not about to share them with me or anybody.

And, now, she hunts them across the wide expanse of my bed and back, every night in the wee hours when she thinks I shouldn't be sleeping.

Cats or dreams of cats keeping you up at night? See how others cope with their kitties, at Modulator's Friday Ark #88. Also, on Sunday, visit the Carnival of the Cats, this Sunday to be hosted by Niobium.

1 comment:

K T Cat said...

I think I have solved the mystery of why the cats lie atop the books you are putting away. They are helping you cat-alog them!

Sorry, I couldn't resist.