Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hastert proves Durbin isn't the only idiot from IL

Captain Ed links to the WaPo view on FBI vs. Rep Jefferson (he of $90,000 bribe money in his fridge), and the noise made in the halls of Congress. Surprise! My home state's own, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, has spoken in favor of protecting the man who refused for nine months to respond to a subpoena. It seems that he thinks lawmakers aren't supposed to have to answer to those very same laws they write.

I wonder where he got such an idea?

Ah, that longstanding tradition of corruption! It makes an Illinoisian proud to know our men in the nation's capital are carrying forth the torch of arson upon the Constitution!

Of course, the ever-rational Captain has a way to fix the problem Hastert seems to be most worried over, anyway. But if we had full and instantaneous transparency, would anybody really want to watch that proverbial sausage being made? Ewww. Would we ever vote again?

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