Friday, May 26, 2006

Senate passes stupid immigration idea

Captain Ed has a few words on it.

My personal concern is that I keep hearing, "It'll never get past the House," and that, "if it does, all the crap attached to it will force the POTUS to veto it." They said the same things about BCRA, and yet, not only did both houses (a plague on them!) pass it, and the President sign off on it, but the SCOTUS let it ride, as well. So, we could very well see another perpetration of leglislation whose very structure and design is to undermine the laws of the land. Nobody can afford to be laissez faire over this thing. There are too many ways it can get past our supremely unprofessional gathering of political hacks they call the Federal Government.

As it stands right now, I am looking at ALL my current representatives in those hallowed halls with loathing and dread. What they're working on is, ultimately, the exact opposite of what our Declaration of Independence once said -- that ALL men are created equal. They seem to be saying that, if your moral character is lacking enough that you're willing to break a few laws to come here without permission, you're more human, with more rights to be here than those who wait and play by the rules. They're saying that, if you cheat the system to work in this country, you have more legal protection than all the lawful citizens who are also looking for a decent job and a fair wage. They're saying that the most important people to them are not their own constituents, not the honest and honorable people of their own country, but a few million lawbreakers coming here because they're too lazy and/or uninspired and/or cowardly to fix the damned problems with their own home countries (and, yet, they seem to have enough gumption to tell us how to run our country)! How American is that, now?

This crippling of our immigrant controls, in conjunction with Senators who think it's just dandy to obstruct investigations into actual bribery cases, is starting to push me toward (a) term limits and (b) third party messages (may all gods forbid!). The White House and the Other House had better get their acts together, post haste, or this nation is scrod.

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