Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Marshall Field's name to change

Somebody is messing with 140 years of success.

Maybe it's a worthwhile trade-off, maybe not, but the owners of the finest store in the country are ridding themselves of the flavor of Chicago history, and will have the signs on all the region's stores changed to read, "Macy's" by next fall. They just think it makes sense to have one big brand name, instead of multiple labels for the same product, so they have decided that Chicago's pride is less important than anybody else's. Meanwhile, they're considering returning the production of Frango Mints to the Windy City, and they promise no jobs will be cut.

I dunno. Centralization/simplification of business is a pragmatic thing to do, but shoppers are notoriously emotional, and averse to being forced into pragmatism... especially when it comes to luxury shopping experiences. Some of my happiest childhood memories are tied to the flagship Field's store, and, I have only one memory of Macy's -- an indifferent one, at best. Even if they change nothing but the name of Marshall Field's, the water in their wonderful drinking fountains won't taste the same to me.

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