Saturday, January 29, 2022

Be Mine (more cards for you, for St.Valentine's Day)

 Again, I've been raiding my supply of ephemera acquired during my quest for postcards, scanning & cleaning them to the best of my abilities via P'shop, and submitting them for your perusal. 

Some of them were single images, pretty much the standard one-sided cards like most of us exchanged in school – for those, I didn't think anybody would want to look at pictures of off-white cut-out cards. There's one that has moving parts, and I took it apart to show how it works, so you get both the together and the separate images. The rest were folded cards, so there are two images per card: outside and inside (yeah! lookin' at Valentine guts!).  

The makers of this one saw me coming,
didn't they?

If you like what you see, and you know somebody else might like this stuff, as well, please copy/share. Click any image (as usual) to embiggen.

The head is a cutout, & the card folds
for pop-up puppr

Held together with a brad, the head
rocks side to side to make the eyes move

It looks really disturbing when

I guess it isn't Valentine's Day w/o pudgy kids…

… and cute, badly-rhyming verses

Not sure whether cute or creepy

this is probably cute

My personal nerdy fave for the moment

Boy meets girl

story complete

Sad face

sad stuffings

This one has tattered doilies

& seemingly unrelated innards

This one's not actually a Valentine, but it kind of sums up my own
relationship history, so it gets included.
It's also probably cut from a box

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