Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I am the nerd thy god

And this test says so.
NerdTests.com says I'm a Highly Dorky Nerd God.  What are you?  Click here!

As if I needed to take a test to find out... much less run it twice, as John Palmer did (HT his way). Of course, I'm only the second-born child of a proudly-and-pragmatically-pocket-protector-wearing, slide-rule-using retired particle physicist/astronomy-physics-math-and-computer-sciences professor – a man who took a similar (albeit more extensive) nerd test with his colleagues at a nuclear research facility a decade and more ago, and, having no knowledge of Star Trek, Star Wars, or any sci fi movies/series, still managed to come out with the highest score among nuclear physicists and engineers. They say it was the pocket protector which put him over the top.

My Pop is a god among gods of Geekdom. I am but a lowly nerdworm, by comparison.

How do you rate?

I wonder how many points one gets for prolonged celibacy? Hmmmm.

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