Tuesday, December 18, 2007

18 December Fortune Teller says

Your birthday today:
You are strong-willed, self-confident and aggressive, apt to brush opposition aside, regardless of the feelings of others. Your emotions are absolutely under control and it is hard to tell your true feeling about anything.
Keep those feelings in check about not sharing the birthday with anybody in the book. However, please feel free to go wild (in a non-aggressive way) to note that these others have the same day to celebrate as you: Charles Wesley, Josef Stalin (birthdate also listed as 21 Dec. at this site), Ramsey Clark, Willy Brandt, Steve Biko, Sir J. J. Thomson, Harold E. Varmus, David A. Johnston, Edwin Armstrong, Hector Hugh Munro, Abe Burrows, Alfred Bester, Michael Moorcock, Paul Klee, Chas Chandler, Keith Richards, Ishmael Wadada Leo Smith, Bill Nelson, Randy Castillo, Elliott Easton, Earl Simmons, Christina Aguilera, Allen Klein, Leonard Maltin, George Stevens, Steven Spielberg, Ossie Davis, Ray Liotta, Brad Pitt, Bramwell Morrison, Roger E. Mosley, Robson Green, Betty Grable, Katie Holmes, Ron White, Ty Cobb, Moose Skowron, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Don Beebe, Brian Orser, Boris Volynov, Arthur Leigh Allen, Jacques Pépin,
and Tara Conner.

The Donald wishes you all a very happy birthday. Just don't tell his wife.

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