Monday, October 08, 2007

What gives at

I can't seem to get into -- no matter where I'm trying to go at the site, I keep getting redirected to a page which says the following:
The page you requested cannot be found.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

I've tried everything from some of my bookmarked fave columnists --like Hugh Hewitt and Mike ("little milky" according to one local college professor) Adams -- to going for the homepage to striking out for the blog, and all I get is this lousy t-shirt the above message. I click on their links on that page, and voilá!, the same message.

Dammit, I was looking forward to spending the afternoon with a few wicked conservatives!

Technology has failed me, today.

Update, 15 minutes later: all better, now. It seems I need to work on my patience.

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