Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Catblog: The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant

Furfur usually runs away when anybody approaches Momsporchistan. It's probably because almost everybody (excepting yours truly) who comes to the front door is a raucous child or a dog. So, for prudence' sake, he runs for cover.

Trail gone cold
Today, he didn't.

At first, I was worried, because he seemed to just lie there as Mom & I returned from running errands. He looked not at all thrilled to see me, or anybody else.

Napping On Pillow

Apparently, though, the problem was simply that we had interrupted his nap. He was happy enough to climb over from his cushion to my shoulder in next to no time, where he discovered that
Climbing into my coat
inside my coat, it was even warmer than in the sunshine-y bed he'd just left. And, there was plenty of room, since I wear my clothes big and baggy for no good reason (until today).

The Incredible Two-Headed Transplant

We became the Incredible 2-headed Transplant.

It's astonishing how relaxing it is to have a big, heavy ball of purr sitting squarely on one's chest.

You Take First Watch

He took first watch.

Watching for other critters? Don't forget to stop by Modulator, for Friday Ark # 123, and on Sunday, be sure to swing over to visit the Carnival of the Cats, this week to be hosted at Mind of Mog.


Anonymous said...

he's so beautiful, and it's easy to see how much you love him.

thanks for sharing him!

Rahel Jaskow said...

What an adorable kitty! And I must say, you look wonderful in Purr!

leucanthemum b said...

Flattery will get you anywhere...

Furfur and I thank you both.

(I must say, it's nice to hear that we're in fashion again -- I just heard that "black is the new black." Whatever that means.)

Aloysius said...

Furfur certainly has the right idea about staying warm. I am going to try this, too.