Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dick Durbin, Harry Reid, etc. skipping Ford's funeral

Why are representatives of the People of the States of Illinois, Nevada, North Dakota, Utah, and Colorado not attending the state funeral for one of their own? Former President Ford was also, for many years, a member of the House of Representatives, even a Speaker of the House. So, he served this country in a number of crucial offices, and served this country well.

But Dick Durbin and Harry Reid seem to think that taking a tour of Machu Picchu is more important than standing in for their constituents to pay respects to a good and decent man who held a great office (and held it very well, all things considered). The excuse they have given, according to the report from AP, is that rescheduling the trip to visit South American dignitaries "would be very difficult." Well, gee, fellas, so would rescheduling a freaking funeral for a former President of the United States of America! Disconnect your interchangeable parts and let the so-called business trip wait a few days, or even a couple of months, if need be!

Oh, sure, you say that "that U.S. relations with some of the countries are in need of improvement." So what? That's always the case. What's so freaking urgent about trade with Peru that can't wait until our nation has said farewell to a highly respected former leader?

And I hate to burst your bubble, boys, but Foreign Relations are not part of the legislative branch's job description. (That would be an Executive Power. Yours are the purse strings.) Since all you would have the official power to discuss is trade agreements, and you can't do much of that without the rest of your pals under the dome, you need to get back home and do your duty as representatives of all us from your home states, and attend the ceremony. "Business trips" do not trump public decency -- not even in the universe where foaming neocons rule, and certainly not in the real world.

Of course, I have had no respect for Durbin for a long time, now, and Harry Reid easily sits beside him in my low esteem. I can add Kent Conrad, Judd Gregg, Robert Bennett and Ken Salazar to the list of Congressmen who do not fail to maintain the lowest common denominator.

(HT: Rick Moran at Right Wing Nut House)

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