Thursday, October 03, 2019

Earworm of the Day: Tum Bin Jiya

Back in the Dark Ages, when I was still working in the print industry (retailing books and magazines), I chanced upon a few magazines which included compact audio disks filled with a wide variety of types of music. Honestly, I had no idea who any of the people on that disk had been. I
didn't really care. I was too broke to go out and buy their albums in any format, anyway, and the only reason I was buying the magazine was that I could get a substantial employee discount. But I did, eventually, become a fan of most of those artists, and treasured my CD collection from them.

I miss those recordings greatly.

This particular song was on the first copy I bought, along with something by Jehru the Damaja, and from Five for Fighting (among others). For more than two decades, because it's in a language I don't speak, I had no clue what Bally Sagoo's song was about – only that it haunted me. It turns out, it's as depressing as I thought:

All the beautiful dreams, have been broken one by one.
All the beautiful dreams, have been broken one by one.
Outsiders remain outsiders, but even you didn't remain mine.
I lost my heart, placed my life on the line; yet love could not be mine.

Think happy thoughts, now.

You're welcome.


K T Cat said...

Anything that starts with a scorpion has got to be good!

leucanthemum b said...