Monday, October 07, 2019

Earewom of the Day: Nearly Missed

Once upon a time, it was the best thing for kids on tv. I was "too old" to be the target market, but I had a little sister, so I had an excuse. She had the album. She watched the shows. I was "just within earshot". After all, it featured the work of über-genius Jim Henson. Also, Gordon was in some of my favorite guilty pleasure movies, over the years...

I regret nothing.

Except that, fifty years later, some of those tunes still rattle around inside my skull. Including the melodies for counting to twenty and veinte.

This comes at me by way of my having arrived late to my ritual observation and photographic recording of the sunset.
I suppose I didn't really "nearly miss" it, so much as actually miss the setting of the sun, but at least I got in my moment of zen. And then I let the song in.

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