Friday, May 22, 2009

Cranky Large Medium reading, 22 May

Go away.

Will you get yourself gone? Why are you not far away already? Didn't you understand the request? Should I speak more slowly, so you can understand? Go. Away. And yet you're still here. Why is that? Oh, naturally, you came here after something. And that is....? A reading. Ah, I see. And if I give you that, you will leave me in peace? I can live with that. Here you are:
The abundant ability and talent you possess will not be evident unless some crisis arouses it. Unfortunately, not many crises come with the need to make a "blowfish" face. You have a great deal of pride; do not fool yourself, you're not that special. You are a mushball in romance, so you should find somebody with common interests, someone who will not walk all over you. But there are laws against marrying outside species, so settle for not being too browbeaten in love, or get used to being alone.
Are you happy, now? Of course not. Settle your pride on one thing you have over the majority of humanity -- you're still alive. That puts you ahead, even, of these famous people, all of whom, on this date in history, yielded to all, especially to gravity: Constantine the Great, Empress Genshō, Emperor Go-Reizei, Gaspar Schott, Julius Plücker, Albert Claude, Alfred Hershey, José Enrique Moyal, Saint Rita of Cascia, John Forrest, Pope Alexander VII, Israel ben Eliezer, Durastante Natalucci, Mordecai Manuel Noah, Victor Hugo, Jules Renard, Ernst Toller, Langston Hughes, Cecil Day-Lewis, Robert Asprin, Richard Biggs, Margaret Rutherford, Lefty Grove, Rocky Graziano, Christopher Stone,
and Thurl Ravenscroft.

Wow. That was deep.
Happy birthday, anyway.

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