Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cranky Large Medium reading, 20 November

Go away.

Why will you not go? Is there gum stuck on the sole of your shoe? I meant to toss that into the trash can, but if you want to carry it out that way, I won't object. Just carry it out. Oh, right. You want the reading, first. Well, here you are:
You have definite opinions, you should keep them to yourself. In fact, you should keep pretty much everything to yourself, including your counsel, and continue to avoid violating confidences. You are trustworthy, reliable (read: dull, dull, deadly dull!) and have much untapped talent (untappable, in my humble opinion). You choose your friends from among those who share your interests, which leaves you alone much of the time. You should have married young -- it's too late, now.
Are you happy, now? No? Well, ain't that a shocker! Here, have some bubble gum and think about how much better you have it than these folks do, who, on this date in history, blew their last bubbles: King John I of France, Zumbi, Francisco Franco (still dead after all these years!), Christian Goldbach, Francesco Cetti, Farkas Bolyai, Georgy Voronoy, Willem de Sitter, Francis William Aston, Mike Muuss, John Harington, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, Enzo Matsunaga, Pierre de La Rue, Johan Helmich Roman, Anton Rubinstein, Chris Whitley, Robert Altman, Robert Addie, Jim Siedow, Sergei Grinkov, Dick Littlefield, Andre Waters, Thomas Quinlan, Clyde Vernon Cessna,
and Allan Sherman.

You kids!
Happy birthay, anyway.

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