Friday, December 07, 2007

7 December Fortune Teller says

Your birthday today:
You have shrewd intuitive judgment and an abundance of energy. You take great pleasure in overcoming difficulties and carrying out your plans. You are ready to follow a good idea or plan, but will not be driven. Your love is demonstrative, your home dear to yo and your disposition generally cheerful.
Your page (in the book) is empty of other names... so fill your day with celebrations with these other notables who share this birthday: Abd Al-Rahman Al Sufi, Hamilton Fish III, Leopold Kronecker, Gerard Kuiper, Allan Cunningham, Willa Cather, Noam Chomsky, Fay Bainter, Ellen Burstyn, Eli Wallach, Jeffrey Wright, Shiri Appleby, C. Thomas Howell, Tom Waits, Helen Watts, Tim Butler, Gary Morris, Bernardo Pasquini, Pietro Mascagni, Richard Sears, Johnny Bench, Garry Unger, Larry Bird, , Terrell Owens, Rick Rude
and Harry Chapin.

What flavor is that birthday cake?

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