Friday, June 29, 2007

Friday Catblog: Breaking fast in a crowd

Twice a day, I put out great heaps of kibble, in trays and dishes, for the Frontporchistanis. For some reason, they all seem to gravitate toward the upside-down PVC parson's table sans legs.

It's a bit like piggies to a trough.
At the trough

But, every once in a long while, somebody breaks away from the crowd and notices there are other sources of nutrition out there...

Why would that make me nervous?

Hungry Ole

Don't forget to visit denizens of other beastly lands, via Modulator's Friday Ark #145, and, at the end of the weekend, be sure to stop in at the Carnival of the Cats. If you don't, I'll tell Ole, up there, that you're plumper and tastier than I am...

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