It's the space between the guard rail and the edge of Momsporchistan. He guards it well.
Maus, though, occupies the South Slope of Popsyardia.

Mostly, the two of them live quite compatibly and companionably.
Still, when I come out to sit in the blue camp chair, the pair become completely different animals. When a commodity such as the comfy spot on my soft, warm chest becomes available, normally it's Furfur who gets there first, and Maus eventually settles for second best -- the squishy lap.

But this time, Maus got up into my arms first, snuggling up and offering me kisses

before settling in for a nice nap

Furfur got jealous.
If you're not too jealous of other beasties' snuggle time, head on over to Modulator, to see a few other critters, at Friday Ark #117 ( HEY! as of 9:45 CST, it's not up yet! I hope everything's okay over there! Arks aren't permitted to sink! Update, Friday afternoon: Power outage has put them at a disadvantage, but they still boarded the first batch. Go check 'em out), and don't forget to come back for more kitties, Sunday night, when the Carnival of the Cats will be hosted by House of Chaos.
1 comment:
Gotta love guard cats.
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