Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The trouble with using a quiet computer, or, why the absence

If I actually have regular readers, you may be wondering what the heck has happened to me. The good news is, my family and I are fine. It's just that Mom's cute little Mac g-4, with its very very quiet operations, decided to go even quieter. The fan went sporadic a few weeks ago, and by the time a week ago this past Sunday rolled around, the fan had gone completely kaput. This, in turn, fried the logic board.

Now, if we were living in a BIG CITY, we might have been able to have the repairs effected by, say, last Thursday or Friday, and I'd have been happy as the proverbial clam. Sadly, we are out in the boonies, and the parts needed to be shipped. It was the repair man's fervent hope that he might have the part & repair the computer by this Wednesday or Thursday... or Friday or Monday.

Meanwhile, I am borrowing my best friend's laptop to do a little quick work while she's at her yoga class.

I hope you haven't already given up on me. And, if you believe in a god of computers, send him (or her) a prayer for me. And ask Saint Christina, patron saint of the insane, if she can work an intervention to keep me from going over the edge from this prolonged deprivation.

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