Saturday, July 22, 2006

Gratuitous post card, Saturday edition: not exactly smooth sailing

Postcard:  Steamer & lighthouse ahead of the storm

I come by it honestly. Really! It's not my fault!

Earlier this past week, I blogged that an overnight delivery had come to my folks' door while they were away among the other hostile elders, and that I was unsure whether or not to open a package addressed to somebody else, without permission.

Shame on me for leaving everybody in suspense.

I opened it.

It was a pair of credit cards -- one for Mom, one for Dad. I figured either the card issuer had sent them because it was time and they'd just used the "urgent" label on the package for some bizarre new security angle, or the folks had lost their cards & had requested replacements. Either way, there was nothing more I could do with them. If I'd tried to forward the cards to the old fogeys, under our normal run of luck, they'd have arrived in Superior about 10 minutes after the fogeys hit the road.

I tucked them away among the other bits of mail.

And then I waited for the old bat and the geezer to get home, so I could ask them wha' happen?

Something did, indeed, happen.

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