Friday, August 18, 2006

Shivering in my shoes

And I'm not wearing any shoes.

Ace says that the Lefties think the rest of us are wussies for fearing terrorists, and invites us to express our fears in his comments, but I was afraid if I left my name and a linky-poo back to here, somebody might notice me and the NSA or somebody would start tapping my phone. And I can't sleep if there's tapping. I had an upstairs neighbor once who tapped all night with his tap shoes.

Or, maybe it's just wires they tap? It wouldn't be so loud, but it might put a strain on my aged electrical system to have people rap-tap-tapping on those wires at all hours.

Anyway, I'm not sure I should post this, now, because I'm afraid. I think I'll ask my mommy to come up & sit with me.

Heh-heh. Forget I said anything, Ace. Please?

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