Friday, June 09, 2006

US demands apology from UN -- or no $$

John Bolton's moustache got all twitchy yesterday after Kofi's sencond-in-command made his silly-a** statement about the "harm" done by things Rush and us middle-Americans have been saying regarding The Trouble with Harry concerns over the UN. The moustache got even more excited when Kofi came out in support of said lieutenant, and responded once more to the native stupidity of the occupants of Turtle Bay. according to the Times Online:
“Mark Malloch Brown has a sentence in his speech where he says the role of the UN is a mystery in Middle America,” he said.

Well, I have to admit, I don't see anything inaccurate in the statement, there. The role of the UN is a mystery to me. Wasn't it supposed to have been formed to help resolve international disputes, to protect and defend the innocent against cruel despots, to provide of meaningful dialog between friendly nations, and other such positive things? So, why is it that the members of the UN are so many under investgation for ethics and legal violations, why are so many under investigation for undermining the very sanctions they imposed on a rogue nation, why is their Human Rights Commission filled with member-states whose very nature violates everything the Commission stands for, why are their "blue-helmets" -- the UN Security Forces -- found so wanting in scruples as to rape the very people they have been positioned to protect? I'm stumped.

It seems to me, with all that has been going on within those hallowed halls, and under their aegis worldwide, their function truly has become a mystery to me. Perhaps Mr. Bolton's moustache may owe Kofi and Brown an apology, after all. But don't put that check in the mail, just yet.

Even after Annan came up with what he probably felt was a "diplomatic answer" to the offense taken --
“I think the message that was intended is that the US needs the UN, and the UN needs the US, and we need to support each other,” Mr Annan said. “I think the speech by my deputy should be read in the right spirit and let’s put it behind us and move on.”
-- I'm still not really sure that there is a purpose, other than to insult the US and then take our tax dollars. I've seen healthier arrangements, though, in abusive marriages: "B!tch, you know you can't live without me, even though I've been sleeping with every woman who ever trashed you! Now, shut up and gimme your paycheck so I can go out drinking and whoring again. "

What, again, was the point behind our supporting the United Nations?

HT: Gateway Pundit

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