Thursday, June 08, 2006

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed in air raid

I have mixed feelings about the news that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead. On the one hand, if I weren't a gimp, I'd be doing the end-zone happy dance for over the demise of an enemy to freedom. On the other hand, I'd really have liked it if he could have been captured by somebody who had no qualms about making him into a thing of mockery and humiliation. I'd have liked to see him dragged out of a "spider-hole" in his underwear, grimy and weak, and looking like the lowlife that he was, instead of giving anybody the excuse to label him a martyr.

UPDATE: Ed Morrissey at Captain's Quarters has been keeping abreast of all the news on this, and has set his post to bump up to the top of his page all day. In one of his updates, he links to one of the reasons I wish I had cable or satellite tv: while the other nets were featuring big stuff on Brangelina's baby (as if any sane person gave a flaming rat's patootie!), DICK Clarke offered ABC this gem...
This morning President Bush hailed the death of al-Zarqawi as a "severe blow to al Qaeda" and "significant victory in the war on terror."

Clarke said the modest size of the terrorist leader's organization and his minimal involvement in the daily bomb attacks on coalition forces made that claim unlikely.

So, the death of one of the major leaders of a movement is not going to give heart to the many freedom-seeking people of Iraq? It won't make more people ready to stand against the jihadists, and pass on information they were too askeer'd to do before? That's not going to be a severe blow to alQ?

Methinks it's time the networks stopped interviewing this victim of severe cranial-rectal interface.

(BTW -- I was so disgusted with the airwaves this a.m., I switched off the tube & went out to play with cats. At least they have a good reason for preening before the cameras)

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