Thursday, May 18, 2006

Who Voted Against the Fence? Durbin, for one

At least Dick Durbin is consistent. He has demonstrated all along that he doesn't believe the rest of the world can faze politics as usual in ChicagoDemocratland. Illegal immigrants, after all, are the next big wave of Democrat voters upstate, once they purge all the dead people from the rolls. Let's go for the non-citizen voice in making our great nation so much less than it has ever been!

He hasn't even bothered to look at the Rasmussen numbers, which indicate the strongmajority of his own constituents say that good fences make good neighbors. Does he really think that we don't mind when illegals take jobs at pay nobody in this economy should accept, so that the base line drops for all the working poor, and fewer legal citizens can work their way out of poverty? Nooooo, of course not! He likes having IL listed as one of the biggest unemployment/welfare recipient states! It means more people dependent upon him and his cronies to feed them at the taxpayers' expense.

Of course, that Dick isn't up for election, this November, is he? We have to suffer another two stinking years with this jackass pretending he represents our state and national interests.

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