(notice the large crowd in the background? That's just the older kids. The little ones are in a comparably-sized group directly behind me & the camera. It wasn't a scary mob, but for a small town, it was a large turnout)
who left behind a field of dreams

(every one of those colored specks in the foreground contains a prize deemed appropriate for a 2-to-3 year-old).
After a slight delay (traffic got backed up at the intersection of Hwy 34 and the 11th St access to the parking grounds), the

What she hadn't realized, until it was explained to her, was that there was stuff inside those colorful plastic eggs. She immediately sat down

and tried to open one. With a little help from her mom,

Stella announced that she was going to share her candy when she got home... with Mommy and Daddy, but not with her brother (but only because her brother doesn't have enough teeth to appreciate candy, yet).
All in all, this was a perfectly wonderful way to start a tax day. I hope everybody else has an equally swell Saturday.
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