Monday, December 19, 2005

MSM finds nonexistent Bush confession

In listening to the tv news broadcast in the pre-dawn hours (and don't ask which broadcast... I had my back to the screen, due to fussy cats, & was only half-listening up to this point. It was probably ABC, but don't quote me on it), I heard a brief summary of last night's presidential address: "Bush took blame for the intelligence errors which led us into the war with Iraq."

I don't recall coming across anything like that, when I was listening to the address, or when I reviewed the transcript this afternoon. I do recall his saying that there were intelligence failures. The direct quote would be, "It is true that Saddam Hussein had a history of pursuing and using weapons of mass destruction. It is true that he systematically concealed those programs, and blocked the work of U.N. weapons inspectors. It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong."

Still, he concluded that particular thought with these words: "As your President, I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq. Yet it was right to remove Saddam Hussein from power."

Where, again, was that "acceptance of blame"? Looks more like he was stating simple facts.

Of course, some folks never seem to let the facts get in the way of a headline.

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