Friday, December 30, 2005

Justice Dept. Probing Domestic Spying Leak - Yahoo! News

HOly crap, it's about time!

I don't totallly like the idea of the Feds listening in on phone calls, but I have even less liking for the number of times important gummint secrets have come out in the NYT and such (Plamegate notwithstanding. As somebody once said, "There is no there there."). Secret defense measures are usually most effective if they remain secrets. Those who deliberately release classified info to the public during wartime (and, I know the NYT has not forgotten we are at war, since they still run the headlines of how many have died in Iraq) should face the full penalty of the law, for treason.

I hope the Justice Dept. finds the [expletives deleted]s and applies the full measure of the law. Nobody -- nobody!!! -- needs to be making public these defense strategies and tactics in this manner, at this time.

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