Saturday, April 02, 2005

While our eye has been elsewhere...

While we were concerning ourselves with matters of the soul, this New York Post editorial nearly slipped by unnoticed. Something, indeed, stinks with Pew.

If the allegations are true, we have one more reason that the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold) was an abomination (not that we needed any others).

It is TIME we pressed for transparency. Any and all donations to any political campaign MUST be made public instantly on the internet, and their sources publicized, as well. Enough with the secrets, already!

Further good reading on this here at TCS.


leucanthemum b said...

I dunno, T. I tend to think that those who are trying to take down the BCRA are doing so because it's an unconstitutional abomination, and the sorts of people who would still endorse it are either incredibly stupid and naive, or incredibly corrupt.

Some bloggers were only recently made aware of its implications, since the FEC and others have started looking at its application to blogging elections... I think they're starting to worry about their own rights to free speech.

BCRA (McCain-Feingold) is in direct violation of the 1st Amendment, and John McCain, for one, should have know that on day one. Either he was playing for power, or he's played into somebody else's hands. Either way, the Act MUST go. What happens to JM... that depends on what is discovered about his methods and intentions.

leucanthemum b said...

The best place to start is at The U.S. Constitution Online, or your handy-dandy personal copy of the text of the First Amendment, where it says, "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech".

When Congress passed BCRA, they effectively restricted free expression of political beliefs. ***SERIOUS*** violation of Constitutional rights.
Plus, it only caused the crooks to find better ways to bury themselves -- and the strings they pull -- from prying eyes.

Of course, if you've been reading my earlier posts, you'll know already how I think the problem should be fixed... ;-)

leucanthemum b said...

Both sides have been trying to disallow the freedom to hear for some years, now... the left under the guise of "political correctness", the right under the guise of "decency".

I'm actually enjoying the current freedom to NOT hear. Still, I haven't gotten to the point of sticking my fingers in my ears and yelling"La la la la I'm not listening," yet, but age and heredity are giving me an advantage...