Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Just as Reliable as the USPS

Guaranteed to arrive… even if it takes a century. 

I found more Valentines, amid my many other general greeting postcards. 

Who loves ya, baby?

Click any image to embiggen, and share/copy as you please.

Thistle appeal to some

But if baby, I'm the bottom,
you're the top!

Chalk it up to romance


And here are some of the cards the Valentines were using as camouflage:

"Birthday Greetings"

(handwritten: "What do you
think of my Sketch. I.C."

"Father". Pretty straightforward

"To Dear Father"

"To My Dear Father"

"To My Brother"

"To Dear Mother"

"To My Kiddies"

"My Kid"
Don't get me wrong, but that 
looks less like a kid, and more 
like a Full-grown buck

"To My Dear Aunt"

"Don't Be Afraid, My Wife Is Out of Town"

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