Thursday, November 14, 2019

Earworm of the Day: Washington Square

In Dixieland-style, the Village Stompers actually made it onto my playlist early on, probably while I was still in diapers, having heard it on the radio in our apartment building in Chicago (but don't quote me on it, because, as a child of my times, pretty much everything that happened before my 30th birthday is a blur, and everything that has happened since is a lie. Even the verity of that statement may also be questioned). From any angle, though, it's been with me since my earliest stages of musical awareness, along with a bunch of now-dead writers and performers.

It was one of those tunes I knew for years, before I was able to track it down and learn its name.

There are still a lot of those mystery tunes rattling around in here, leading from one to the next by virtue of, sometimes, a single chord or some other arcane note in common. And then, quite suddenly, it'll get stuck on a single melody for a day, a week a month, or even a year…

If that triggers a tune in you, you're welcome.

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