Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Earworm of the Day: Green Shirt

Actually, it's teal, and it doesn't have buttons, but it's still a shirt. You can please yourself, though.

I've enjoyed listening to Declan Patrick McManus since we were both quite young (he's only a handful or so of years my senior, so…get off my lawn!). I can't quite say I had a crush on him, because I reserved that starry-eyed stupor for far odder sorts of fellows (draw your own conclusions).

Further confession: I've had regular migraines since my earliest teens, and had been instructed by my doctor to take an aspirin/caffeine product at the earliest sign of aura, to ease the severity of the headache. Somewhere about the 1980s, I started singing an early Elvis Costello and the Attractions song to/about that over-the-counter treatment each time the headache abated:

Anacin, you know this world is killing you
Anacin, my pain is through…

Not that I brought the pain on myself, in those days. Or, maybe I did. I was, after all, young and utterly stupid, unlike now, when I'm old and forgetful and only frequently stupid.

But that's another song, another band entirely.


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