Monday, December 24, 2007

24 December Fortune Teller says

Your birthday today:
You are bold, energetic, possess intuitive powers and latent talents which you should develop. Your love is ardent and constant. You should practice self-restraint and not let your passions get beyond your control.
Ask Wanda Thomspon how she does it, since she's in the book for today. Or, maybe just check with these other, famed birthday celebrants: Hamid Karzai, King John Lackland, Benjamin Rush, Kantaro Suzuki, Jeff Sessions, Ignatius Loyola (hey, Iggy, how ya doin'?), William Warburton, Kit Carson, James Prescott Joule, Howard Hughes, George Crabbe, Johnny Gruelle, Mark Millar, Fritz Lieber, Mary Higgins Clark, Mike Curb, Warren "Baby" Dodds, Lee Dorsey, Ralph Marterie, Harry Warren, Ray Bryant, Ian Fraser Kilmister, Mary Ramsey, Doyle Bramhall II, Ricky Martin, Ava Gardner, Clarence Gilyard, Mark Valley, Diedrich Bader, Ryan Seacrest, Franz Waxman, John D'Acquisto, Eddie Pope, Chris Hero,

and Riyo Mori.

Okay, boys, put your tongues back in your mouths -- you're getting the cake all soggy.
On this day, of all days! coal in your stockings... or something.

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