I've heard back from nearly everybody who was sent the formal invitations to my folks' anniversary picnic. There are still three or four outstanding rsvp cards... I'm going to operate on the assumption that they won't be able to attend, so we won't set up chairs for them.
It's all coming on rather rapidly, now. My seester and her husband (and Clyde's sister, Bonnie) should be arriving Friday, as will our other Schwester and probably my brugly other -- and their respective armies. I've been fiddling around on stuff having no bearing on either the party or potential income... but then, I've actually managed to piece together a short column for the paper (which very kindly prints my work each week at no cost to me).
Now, it's time to go home and play with kitties. More about them, at catblog time (Friday. I promise to take enough time out of the day at least for that much).
Back tomorrow, with dogblog, I hope.
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