I attended a small gathering with friends, last night, to ring in the new year. We had a pleasant evening, watched a couple of silly movies, had a few laughs, I sang one song (none of us even pretended to attempt "Auld Lang Syne" since I think I'm the only one who knew any of the words (and I pretended I didn't, because I'd rather sing something a little less maudlin).
No champagne, no confetti, no noisemakers, no party hats (darn it. I left my glittery top hat hanging in the front hall when I went out -- distracted by kitties). Just good company and a few good laughs, especially over Hollywood's problems with basic laws of physics and why so many truly talented actors could involve themselves in the making of "Flash Gordon", knowing how bad the script was, and seeing how wooden the actor in the title role was.
Our houses have more company, this week, so there may be a bit of light blogging. However, I've (once more) neglected until late to link to my column*, so please drop in over there, and leave comments if you wish. I'm hoping that, in light of last evening's events, there is no real prophecy, there.
Plus, at that blogsite, I've been working on another little project you may enjoy, timed for the beginning of this new year. It will be updated as my work progresses.
*which the editors of the Daily Review Atlas print each Friday, at no cost to me.
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