I'm led to believe we didn't receive the worst part of the winter weather passing through the Midwest, this weekend, and that we won't be getting the worst of the next wave, either. Most of the truly nasty stuff seems to be passing by to the north, and, especially, to the south of us -- hitting St. Louis and Springfield like Thor's hammer, and just giving us a pretty, shiny coating of glitter.
Unfortunately, that glitter makes for interesting travel. I fell twice, this morning, just stepping out my front door, onto my astroturfed front porch -- I was within inches of the container of rock salt set aside for occasions just like today, and I lay there, on the slick sidewalk, muttering nasty words while counting my body parts to see if they were all still intact.
I'd cracked the back of my head on the step, as well. All I can say is, thank God for astroturf and squishy floorboards! I have a slight headache and a lot of stiff muscles, now. I count myself very lucky -- the last time I fell, it took months of physical therapy to get me on my feet again. This time, it's just a mild case of whiplash.
When I took Rizzo out for his morning walk, and he tried to tug against me on the leash as he usually does, he spun around a couple of times before he could regain control of his movements. He didn't want to go all the way around the block. Who'd a thunk? Mom and I are still laughing over the image of his shocked expression (Mom has a fairly good imagination, and Boston Terriers... well, they look shocked most of the time, anyway, don't they, now?).
Still, I have worries for today. My bestest friend is due to return from her vacation in Sunny Florida, this evening. Not only will she be expected to fly into Peoria just about the time the next wave of ice is due, but then she may think she can drive home in the midst of it all... that's fifty-some miles on really slick highways. I told her son that, when he talks to her on the phone, he should tell her that I ordered her to stay put in Peoria, by jingo. I'm taking care of her critters, and I can certainly do that for an extra day or two, until the roads are safe for travel. We want her back intact, not merely on time.
And that goes for everybody else, as well. If you don't have to be on the roads today, stay indoors, for crying out loud! I've gone through twenty pounds of salt and then twice as much cat litter, making sidewalks safe, and it's still not nearly enough. Plus, I got dirty looks from bunches of cats, for making the sidewalks smell like their toilet...
Such is the hazard of living in a temperate climate, I suppose.
Sounds like perfect weather for blogging and watching the NFL playoffs.
That's exactly what Dad decided to do. I'd have done the same, if I hadn't had animals to care for at 3 other houses.
So I missed da Bears' win.
But I did get home in time to watch "24".
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