Monday, August 07, 2006

How to spend an evening avoiding clean-up

Okay, so my tree fell last week, and I still haven't finished picking up all the crap it littered across my lawn. Part of the reason for my lapse in activity is that, as I was inspecting the fallen tree, I sprained my ankle and did my opposite knee some small renewal of harm as well, but the greater reason for staying away from treefall was this:
'56 Buick at Monmouth's Cruise Night 2006

Monmouth, last Friday night, hosted its annual Cruise Night. The above Buick had a lovely, shiny hood ornament of which I took several pictures '56 Buick hood ornament at Monmouth's Cruise Night 2006 before I realized how much I liked hood ornaments in general Pontiac Hood Ornament Pontiac Hood Ornament @ Rivoli and how much I also liked the cars to which they are attached. It was strange, to think of a middle-aged female me walking around and drooling at the cars, while my 21-year-old male companion for the evening (my best friend's son) was more interested in straight conversation... Not trapped by gender boundaries are we!

And, yes, I did continue to salivate over the cars Pontiac at the Bijou and the trucks Pick-up in front of Warren County Court House and the cars Corvette Corvette Corvette Cougar!  at Monmouth's Cruise Night 2006 Plymouth Prowler at Monmouth's Cruise Night 2006 in all states of restoration Rust-and-Brick

But my favorite moment was coming home, downloading the 200+ pictures and realizing what a religious experience this had been
On a Wing and a Prayer

I was refreshed enough to do most of what had to be done, today, to ready my porch for the contractors' arrival tomorrow at daybreak (ecch). I think I'll come over here again when they get here & just look at more pictures of spiffy cars. And maybe post a few more.

Update: as if that weren't enough to get me thinking, Gateway Pundit over the weekend posted the news that Maurice Strong & George Soros Team Up to Sell Chinese Cars in US. And the picture he posts is of a piddly thing with no style. I hope people don't forget the roots of modern transportation too quickly. And I'd really hate for George Soros to get any richer at the expense of the Working American.

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