Monday, January 23, 2006

Goin' fer yer guns

Blagojevich is, anyway. He seems to be under the delusion that the most heinous events in the history of mankind all involved the difficult-to-acquire and even-harder-to-use-well automatic assault rifles, and under the delusion that, in order to protect our citizens from each other, he must wrest our weapons from us.

I'm sorry, but, according to most sources I've run across, while semi-automatics were used at Columbine, the majority of homicides involving firearms involved smaller handguns or standard hunting rifles (e.g. the nutcase in Wisconsin who killed all those other hunters). The fancy semiautomatic and automatic weapons don't do the majority of the nasty work in this state, or in this country. And, case-by-case, more people are killed each year by automobiles than by all those "assault weapons" combined. Is he planning to ban Beemers?

My guess is, Blago is (a)looking for a way to point our attention away from the abominable job he's been doing as guv, and (b) at least a decade behind, on the issue of gangsta & youth violence. He's pretty well clueless, if he thinks that passing a law banning these weapons is going to stop the criminals from getting and using them. What he's really doing is making sure that everybody else is made defenseless, and made dependent upon an underpaid, overworked, frequently corrupt -- or, more frequently, inept -- police force (I'm not just talking about Chicago, now) whose pension fund he has already raided a coupla times, and therefore reduced their incentive to stay with the public service. Then he's adding more work to their job description, by expecting them to start looking for former law-abiding citizens who might still have semiautomatic weapons. And, if I owned one of those fancy, expensive-ish tools, I'd sure as hell not let the guv's boys know I had it, cuz they'd just take it away from me. And, dammit, I have a right to defend myself, don't I?

Sure. Drive gun-owners underground. That'll do wonders for the state's ethics & standards, not to mention our already overburdened, pork-laden budget.

More worrisome, every time Blago opens his mouth, it takes away more from us out here in yon hinterlands. Keep this up, and Forgottonia will seriously campaign for secession. Of course, we'll probably lose, since, even though the farmers around here have lots of good, clean fertilizer, it seems Blago and his pals are much greater suppliers of the raw material.

And, quite frankly, call me paranoid, but the way the Left has been going, I'm beginning to think that even I could use a little military training in defense, pretty soon. There are enough jihad-johnnys out there, I'd like to be able to protect my house, home, and family when Blago and his politically-correct, ultimately corrupt cronies turn tail and run. I won't be letting some lame-a** alQaeda cell member tell me jack, any more than I will tolerate some spoiled little Chicago Democrat heiress oops hairdo rats! hero wannabee doing the same.

HT:Open Fire via Gateway Pundit

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