Saturday, November 16, 2019

Earworm of the Day: I've Got Spurs

One short line from the song kept recycling itself, bubbling up to the surface, only to fade into the deep again for an hour or more, every time I heard anything with a similar cadence. This has been going on for a few weeks, now, until I finally remembered to which song the line belonged (much to my embarrassment).

Also slightly embarrassing: I watched this video, and then followed it up with almost a dozen other Osmond Brothers vids before I settled down to write this post. I still have a goofy grin on my face. For someone who used to take pride in listening to the Buzzcocks, PIL (read a few of the comments. It's worth it, for the amusement factor), the Dead Milkmen, and other such generally noxious sounds, those boys were startlingly enjoyable to watch and listen to.

I must be getting old.

Get off my lawn.

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