Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Today's earworm: leftover turkey edition

Not the song, although some will say it is.  No, it's that, last week, Mom & I had amassed enough store credits to come home with a fourteen-pound turkey hen, no charge.  Now, I'm the sort of person who could eat roast turkey 45 weeks of the year without tiring of its flavor, but poor Mom gets tired of it after three days, and Pop looks at is stale after a week.

Our freezer is full, too, so there was no option of putting the bird on ice for a month, until I'm back to being the house-sitter while they gallivant across the landscape...  the bird had to be cooked.

So,  I asked friends to come over for supper, last night.  Free food, shared with others, becomes free food squared.  And, since the freebie is a bird... well, the classic has been buzzing about since mid-afternoon Monday.   Sigh.

Here's your free bird.

No gravy or stuffing, though, so it's a low-carb offering  You're welcome.

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