Monday, August 09, 2010

A little more Fra Hubbard on Unions...

As I posted yesterday, I bought a lovely pamphlet at auction. The document is a century old, and, startlingly enough, the more things change over such time, the more they stay the same... Elbert Hubbard had quite a moment expressing himself on the subject of labor union demands.
I posted the first section of that pamphlet on my Friday's Klips blog.

I have now posted part two of that same document, here, at Friday's Klips.

Here's another sample, to whet your appetite:

We long ago decided not to be ruled by a person in England, or a man in Italy. The Anglo-Saxon is a transplanted Teuton, with a dash of hardy Norse in his fiber that makes slavery for him out of the question. In every land upon which he has placed his foot, he has found either a throne or a grave. ¶ When those Norsemen with their yellow hair flying in the breeze sailed up the Seine, the people on the shore called to them in amazement and asked, "Where are you from and who are your masters?"
And the defiant answer rang out over the waters, "We are from round the world, and we call no man master !"
To these men we trace a pedigree. And think you we are to trade the freedom for which we have fought, for the rule of a Business Agent graduated from a cigar factory?
Excuse this smile––I really can't help it.

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