Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dogblog: O, Mighty Hunter!

I took Clyde outside while Pop was using the vacuum cleaner (he does that, fairly regularly, & the noise bugs poor Clyde). So, we were out and about in the yard, not going very far, as I encouraged Clyde to explore at his own pace.

A mighty hunter

After rooting around in the flower bed, he thought he heard something...
Catching his eye

Studying the distance for a moment, he... well...
Gone in a Flash

Up the Tree

It ddn't take a genius to figure out what had called him post-haste to the tree base:
Tree Rat

Clyde guards Pop's garden well. Sadly, Clyde came in without a trophy, so I had to give him a couple of treats before I settled back into my chair.

He's such a g'boyyyyy.

Don't forget to stop by Modulator's Friday Ark, every week!

1 comment:

lisa said...

Good boy indeed, and very handsome as well!