Pardon me while I don my tinfoil hat for a moment.
There. That's better.
Anyway, according to lgf, somebody on the far right is spreading this video, (I will not embed it. It's garbage, whether it's even remotely accurate or not) trying to sell the notion that (a) John McCain, while a POW in Vietnam, was a collaborator, and (b) therefore has used his influence as a senator to block anybody from gaining access to classified documents regarding MIA/POW records.
Who stands to gain most from the timing of this attack? Perhaps Ron Paulians believe they do. Perhaps other "hard-right" conservatives and libertarians believe they do. But the guy who will gain the most from this attack on McCain's patriotism while in service is... John McCain.
So, now for the tinfoil hat part: what if the release of this pile of crap video, designed to slur a patriot, is actually silently, twistedly supported by McCain? History indicates that he (or his campaign offices) had invented slanders against him in at least one of his previous campaigns, to make his opponent seem shabby and give himself a lift in the polls. If it worked before, what's to stop him/them from trying it again? He doesn't even have to release it himself -- the Paulbots have been most obliging, there, and the MSM will likely pick it up and run with it, even as a sympathetic article.
Either way, McCain looks like the noble victim, here. And his poll numbers among true, honor-bound conservatives and military supporters (sorry about the redundancy) rise.
It would be fair Machiavellian, but then, isn't that McCain's middle name, these days?
/tinfoil hat mode.
Update/afterthought: Just because I have a moment's suspicion about campaign ethics, don't for one single second allow yourself to believe I would vote for either Hillary or Barack over McCain. Senator Obama is too much a religious caricature for my liking, and Senator Clinton is Richard Nixon in drag. If only there were a real, rational candidate, so I won't have to follow McCain's mother's advice and hold my nose in November!
Gather ye noseplugs while ye may.
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