Saturday, February 16, 2008

16 February Fortune Teller says

Your birthday today:
You are a born leader ; conscientious, and careful in all you do. You are fond of art and the finer things of life and cherish integrity and honor. Your love is whole-hearted and enduring for which you will be rewarded.
The book is blank for companions on this day, though, so perhaps you should cherish the good company of these birthday notables: Nichiren Daishonin, Henry Wilson, Julia Grant, Kim Jong-il, Hugo de Vries, George Macaulay Trevelyan, Richard McDonald, Richard Ford, Kano Eitoku, Harold Wayne King, Patty Andrews, Bill Doggett, Otis Blackwell, Sonny Bono, Tracy L. "Ice-T" Marrow, Pete Willis, Andy Taylor, John Balance, Robert J. Flaherty, John Schlesinger, Vincent Coleman, Chester Morris, Hugh Beaumont, Ken Takakura, Jeremy Bulloch, Barry Primus, William Katt, Ian Lavender, LeVar Burton, Christopher Eccleston, John Tartaglia, Kathleen Clifford, Katherine Cornell, Amanda Holden, William "Sliding Billy" Hamilton, Barry Foote, Kelly Tripucka,
and Edgar Bergen.

Make your lips move around some birthday cake!

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