Friday, January 11, 2008

Kos Kid has tool to galvanize the base

Galvanize the Republican base, that is. This, according to lgf*:

There are any number of reasons to consider a candidate, and I’ve come to realize that one of mine is that I want a candidate with the capacity and the inclination to do the whole vengeance thing.

It’s not the only criteria, nor the leading one, Hillary is not my first choice, but it is something that attracts me politically to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.

While I hope that a full blown Nixon dirty tricks program would not occur under her administration, I have increasingly come to believe that Republicans have to be taught that payback is a bitch.

I want a son of a bitch who scares Republicans, and I think that Hillary is most likely to do this, because she is the one with the most cause to.

So, is there anybody else who thinks this person is a Republican plant, set up there to motivate the fence-sitters to get out and vote conservative? He wants a Democratic Party version of Tricky Dick Nixon, so that half the country will be punished for having not come around to the Religion of the Left. Yeah, that ought to encourage rational people to stay at home and let Hillary get the reins of power...

*I'd check out the site myself, directly, but I just ate dinner & DKos is a bad idea under the circumstances. I'll take Charles Johnson's word for this.

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